
<aside> <img src="https://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/secure.notion-static.com/30375da1-da4e-4bdd-9e76-5eba4d8fb9b6/icon.png" alt="https://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/secure.notion-static.com/30375da1-da4e-4bdd-9e76-5eba4d8fb9b6/icon.png" width="40px" /> Bard to Notion brings the cleverness of Bard into your favorite app!


💡 Usage

On Bard's page, you'll notice a new pin icon under each of its answers. You can use it to save specifically that answer and the related prompt to your Notion database of choice, given that it has an URL property. If you want to save the whole discussion, you can do so from the extension popup.

You may link as many databases with the extension as you need to, and you can then choose which database to save your discussion at saving time. If a page with the same title already exists in the database, the newly saved content will be appended to the end of said page.

Here’s an example database that you can use yourself :

Bard to Notion example database

✉️ Contact

Got any suggestion/issue?

🕵️ Privacy

For security & practical reasons, some data such as your Notion user id (i.e. your unique identifier as a notion user, not your credentials (that we hopefully don't have access to anyway) are stored remotely instead of locally where they could be easily compromised. The code for this is open source and can be found on previously linked GitHub. Your data is never shared with any 3rd party.

About sponsors

📍 Roadmap

These are the things that I plan to work on at some point. I hope to have the following (ranked by priority) done in the near future: